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ObjednavkaDOPRAVY – šetříme čas nás všech - Contact
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Info line +420 608 705 000



Spedition3000 s.r.o.
Palackého 1625/25
Nový Jičín
741 01
Czech Republic

Tel./fax: +420 602 705 000
email: info@ordertransport.eu

Company ID Number: 27846555
Tax ID Number: CZ27846555

Executive Head
Ing. Libor Kliment lkliment@spedition3000.com
HR Head
František Segeťa fsegeta@spedition3000.com
Technical Department Head
Miloslav Kubín mkubin@spedition3000.com
Sales Department Head
Vladimír Bajer
Česmad Bohemia ČSOB leasing Fery Logistik Vodafone DKV

Fleet Owner


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January 1, 2015, We launched a new application

OrderTRANSPORT.eu - complex system of orders in freight transport

"save time of all of us"

Application description

Quick registration and login. Clear and simple form filling. Automatic creation of PDF and HTML orders, sending and printing. Immediate display of orders placed in your menu. Order Confirmation in one click. Archiving of received orders, including confirmation of receipt. The menu COMPANY overview of the companies and the opportunity to download important documents. Possibility to verify the soundness of the company in the menu RECOMMENDATIONS who works with whom, and an opportunity to provide a reference. Saved documents (insurance, tax ID, ...).

This feature is only available to logged-in user