Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: META line 3 and head in Entity, line: 4 in /var/www/spedice/objednavkadopravy.cz/app/XslTransformer.php on line 136

Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: head line 2 and html in Entity, line: 9 in /var/www/spedice/objednavkadopravy.cz/app/XslTransformer.php on line 136

Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Premature end of data in tag html line 1 in Entity, line: 10 in /var/www/spedice/objednavkadopravy.cz/app/XslTransformer.php on line 136
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Display orders in PDF

To view the orders you need to have program for viewing PDF files ObjednavkaDOPRAVY.cz
You can download it here

How to set permissions for popups in a web browser in order to view orders in PDF format:


ObjednavkaDOPRAVY.cz Chrome 40.0:

Menu -> Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Content Settings
In the section ''pop-ups'' must not be ticked the option ''Do not allow any site to show pop-ups''  

Hint: Insert into the search field this path -> chrome://settings/content 

ObjednavkaDOPRAVY.cz Internet Explorer 11.0: 

Tools -> Internet options -> Personal data
must be checked "Blocking automatically opening windows" or the server must be included in the list of exceptions ("Settings" button)  

ObjednavkaDOPRAVY.cz Firefox 35.0.1:

Menu -> Options -> Content
must be checked "Block pop-up windows" or the server must be included in the list of trusted sites (the "exceptions")  

ObjednavkaDOPRAVY.cz Opera 27.0:

Menu -> Settings -> Tab ''Sites''
In the section ''pop-ups'' must be ticked the option ''Disable Web sites pop-ups''  



For proper functionality of the program we recommend you to restart the web browser after changing the settings

Note: In earlier versions of the Internet browsers the procedure may be a little different.

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Fleet Owner


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Error during loaded RSS.


January 1, 2015, We launched a new application

OrderTRANSPORT.eu - complex system of orders in freight transport

"save time of all of us"

Application description

Quick registration and login. Clear and simple form filling. Automatic creation of PDF and HTML orders, sending and printing. Immediate display of orders placed in your menu. Order Confirmation in one click. Archiving of received orders, including confirmation of receipt. The menu COMPANY overview of the companies and the opportunity to download important documents. Possibility to verify the soundness of the company in the menu RECOMMENDATIONS who works with whom, and an opportunity to provide a reference. Saved documents (insurance, tax ID, ...).

This feature is only available to logged-in user